had a few minutes to post a few more from last week's zoo trip...
Jack and his elephant hat ready to take on the zoo!
Cousin Logan and HIS cool hat!!
He loved the elephants! He was even trying to yell with excitement despite the mouthful of goldfish!
Jackson loves his Daddy!
Monday, December 31, 2007
a few more favorites from the zoo last week!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:39 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
more for you uncle randy...
here are a few more for uncle randy!!!
is that face the cutest or what!
look out randy -- you're in trouble when shes a teenager!! (check out logan in the back! hahaha)
Grams and her first two grandbabies!!
Sissa and Grams..
Logie and Sissa - love this shot!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
10:07 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
a day at the zoo!
we spent the day at the jacksonville zoo -- it was awesome!! we had the best time -- too much to write about now but heres a peak of the little man...
what a face right!
hope you're all enjoying the week!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:35 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A few more from the cousins
... the day after christmas is always a fun day... everyone gets to play with their new toys ... relax and just take it easy... the craziness is over and the fun begins!
here are a few shots from today while the kids were playing outside.. thats right - outside without winter hats and coats! i guess thats what you do in December in Florida :)
Uncle Randy -- we hope these get you through... we sure do miss you! stay safe out there...
lots of hugs and love...
jackson enjoying his Christmas dinner... notice the nice clothes were removed.... good thing since mashed potatoes ended up everywhere!
grouchy face jackson and sweet cousin logan!
chasing daddy
best buddies!
Uncle Rick, cousins Logan, Alyssa and Jackson
so sweet
love these guys!
don't you want to pinch those cheeks!
These three are for you Randy -- We're going to do some more tomorrow but we were losing light tonight! I couldnt decide which I liked best so you get all three! They were yelling 'We love you Daddy!!!"
black and white
the best of friends!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:19 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Family Day!
Jackson finally got to meet cousins Logan and Alyssa -- They were so cute together - they played all afternoon and just loved being together. Here are a few quick shots of everyone playing..
We had a great day - Its a bit different celebrating Christmas surrounded by Palm Trees instead of Pine Trees but we were with wonderful company and thats what made it Christmas! :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Hugs and love to all of you...
Logan and Alyssa meet Jackson for the first time!!
A Jackson sandwich!!
Jackson telling Alyssa a funny story -- what a coy face!
Cousin Alyssa!
Cousin Logan playing on the new air hockey table!!!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:50 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
all done!
How do you tell mom you're finished with your macaroni and cheese while she walks 3 feet away to get more apple juice?
Oh you put the entire plate on your head of course!!!!
that silly bear!!!
(and oh how serious too!! haha...)
had to snap it!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
7:43 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
time flies...
..can you believe this was a year ago!??!?! some days it seems like forever ago, other days it feels like just yesterday!
my little baby is becoming such a grown up boy!!! where does the time go....
::mommy moment::
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:14 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
too cute!
this little man keeps us laughing...
just a few tubby time shots from this evening!
Grams sent us an early christmas present -- Jackson's ANYWHERE CHAIR FROM POTTERYBARN!!!!! can you tell how excited we are?!?!?! (okay, how excited I am!!) the cover hasnt come yet but jackson was helping unpack the inside part and boy did he think it was funny!!
and one more bath shot -- who wears Mickey Mouse sunglasses in the bath?????
my son. :)
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
10:29 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
We *heart* Sean Jr. :)
we finally had the chance to meet our newest friend in the K's household...
we're going to do a real newborn shoot later but since I had my camera (of course!) I had to snap a few today...
here are two that struck me as I was importing them onto the computer...
B - we are so proud of you! Thanks for letting us take over your house today -- Can't wait to finally play weekly in January!!
We love you...xoox
Mom has worn these rosary beads throughout the entire pregnancy -- when they fell this way on baby Sean - I HAD to grab it! so special....
look at that little face... can you even believe the cuteness!!!!
stay tuned.... **muah!!**
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:32 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
a few random pictures for my bloggin' friends!
things have been crazy between holiday shopping, finishing up the last of client orders and trying to get ready for our trip to florida!...
in the midst of it all I've been really trying to make an effort to capture the moments in my own family lately...
just for fun here are a few that I took over the last day or so...
yesterday at dinner... Praying (VERY DIRTY!!!) hands...
Remember my favorite neighbors.... i might like them a TINY bit less after this 'GIFT' they let Jackson borrow.... Santa. Cute right? no. NOT REALLY. It plays 'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree'..... and Santa shakes his hips dancing back and forth... it plays ON REPEAT. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. DID I MENTION IT PLAYS ON REPEAT? unless you unplug it of course. which we do. until jackson realizes its NOT playing. he then brings Santa over to you until you plug it back in. The boy could be playing clear across the room and not want anything to do with Santa singing and dancing but as SOON as you turn it off -- oh it starts RIGHT back up again.... D and Paul.. we love you but you might be getting a Secret Santa back PRETTY SOON! haha (just kidding!! its actually kind of cute.. and jackson does love it so we love it too... i swear.) :)
I give you ONE guess to Remember our beautiful REAL awesome christmas tree Jackson picked out... do you see it? yes, its in there, it just took on a new form of Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. Between Jackson RAMMING his Pooh Bear airplane into the tree - throwing puzzle pieces as if he wanted them to hang on as ornaments - putting his head against it because he thinks its hysterical??? (weirdo!) -- our beautiful little tree has turned into this....................poor thing!
Play-dough Piggies!! I know I'll look back at this one day and say 'remember when...' we've been playing playdough lately but jackson really doesnt like it??? what kid doesnt like playdough? that and finger paint?
Spent the morning baking some christmas gifts for friends....
mmmm... middle still....
and after a busy day........saying our prayers before bed...
hope you're enjoying the holidays with your loved ones!!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
11:43 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
one more week of snow.. the sunshine!!!!!!
we have another week of snow before we get to spend a week in sunny florida... not only do we get to spend the week in sunny florida but we get to visit with Grams, Grandpa Pete, Cousins Logan and Alyssa and Aunt Shelly.... and on top of THAT we get to visit with our good friends Courtney and Jonny!! should you be in the jacksonville area or even close by - and want to schedule a mini shoot you can email me and we'll see what we can do ... :)
can't wait!!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
11:19 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
playing in the snow take two!
so we headed out to play in the snow WITH mittens that stayed on and some sunlight! (as always - click on the image to make it larger!)
as you can tell - we sure got a decent amount of snow -- especially when its compared to a little almost 19 month old little boy :)
check it out for yourself...
watching the plow early in the morning clear some of the snow from our parking lot!
can't take his eyes off it!
what kind of face do you get when the plow goes away? (or just around the building?!)............
Oh don't worry - he came back! :)
after watching the plow we headed to our weekly "Little Gym" class... Not sure what was in Jacksons breakfast but he was a MADMAN there today! Running around crazy -- although I guess thats the best place to burn that energy right! hehe..
the cutest piggies ever on the balance beam!
crackin' up at the little gym!
'mom -- they stopped blowing bubbles.' :(
so after "The Little Gym" - lunch and a short nap .. we decided to venture out! :).....
our little snowman! hehe...
hmm not falling from the sky anymore??...
"this is FUN????????????? liars."
check out how deep it is - its up to his little knees.... which made walking difficult ;) poor little bear... hehe...
"Dad, what is a snowball???"
hahahah - snowballs are funny!! 'you got me dad!'
'TWO elmo mittens?!?!? COOL" -- I wish you could hear him says 'COOL'.. its a riot!!
haha i LIKE snowballs!!
so there ya go!
check back tomorrow for more updates!!
Off to get Rick some medicine as he is starting to get a yucky cold :( got any good sinus/cold remedy suggestions?! Send 'em over!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
10:35 PM