Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Think someone was a bit excited over this whole 'trick-or-treat' thing!?

Jackson was hysterical! He walked right up to all the doors in our building and knocked (with two hands!!) on the door and waited patiently until someone came. When they opened the door they got a big 'ol Jackson smile and who could resist that face! So two hands into the candy basket and then off and running... oh and a half way sign of 'thank you' as he walked away too!

oh my little bear is growing up too fast!

what a funny little guy!!

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween!!

This was the first door we went to - our neighbors to the right - sweet elderly couple. Check out his face when he scores two pieces of candy!!!!! haha....

p.s. and yes, that is a sand bucket- hey we still have some left from his birthday party, alright!!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this series of pictures!! Almost looks like he wants to go in there and play with them!! =)