Saturday, December 1, 2007


yes, thats right. i am a sappy sap sap. just about as sappy as they come. cry at everything - total hopeless romantic. wear my heart on my sleeve. you know the deal :)

this is a clip from my most favorite book that was turned into a movie just a few years ago. If you want to read a book that just melts your heart - go to your closest barnes and noble and get the notebook by nicholas sparks - i have to say, most times i hate when books become movies but even though i LOVE this book - i actually really liked the movie!.. and i really like noah!! ;)

get any nicholas sparks book for that matter. i love his work - cant get enough of it really. im excited once things slow down here in a few weeks to actually get back to READING - i've missed the last few books and im just dying to get back to them! i dont know what it is about him but i just adore his writing... check him out - fast reads, amazing stories. you'll love it.

crazy that a sweet friend of mine put this up on her blog... i just said to the hubby... 'want to watch the notebook tonight?'.... he said 'not so much' so it was back to work for me! But lucky for me I came online and saw that this clip was waiting for me! i didnt even know this was online but i had to share it since my girl courtney had it up too!! weird right - does weird stuff like that ever happen to you?... strange!!

Hope you are enjoying your Friday night.. about one more week of craziness and then its back to family stuff :) can't wait!!!! i miss my boys....

hope you're all well...


Check out this video: the notebook

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::sigh:: dont you just LOVE them!!.. no go rent the whole movie - i know you'll want to see it after that clip!!!!!! :)

1 comment:

Zoom-Bug Photography said...

lol that's wierd...we must've been on the same wavelength. I am so in love with this movie. Their story is one of those things that makes your heart skip a beat! Noah ain't bad lookin' either haha.
