I don't know what the heck I did to my automated response - but for some reason it got sent out to every email I have ever got in my inbox!! If you received multiple automated response messages for me I am SO SORRY! haha... I don't know what happened but hopefully its fixed -- Let me know if you keep getting messages from me - I keep getting messages from myself! I'm so confused! haha...
My Apologies again - Hopefully its figured out!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Automated Response - Apology!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:25 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
tom brady look alike?
oh and just for fun... caught this shot of my older bro today... people have been telling him for years he looks like tom brady! some people even stop him to say hello! ahah... you be the judge...
how cute is my bro!! ms. allie is one lucky girl :)
*he is SO going to kill me when he sees this!! hahaha..... love you fred!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
7:52 PM
MIA.../ Out of the office
so we've been MIA lately ... lots going on!
we're MOVING in just 5 days... I can't believe that time snuck right up on us! We've been buried under boxes and bins trying to figure out what to pack and keep out etc... it's going to be bit crazy over the next week or two but then things should settle back to normal... and we'll be all settled in! :)
just wanted to update my clients as I am 100% sure that my internet will be on as soon as we move this weekend so I will respond as quick as possible!
everyone else - thanks for being so patient!
I promise to update with pictures soon.. totally forgot how much moving is a pain in the neck!!!!!!
wish us luck - and hope for no snow!!!!!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
7:49 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
*ah-ha* moment
ever have one of those days where the stars align and you GET something?!
today was one of those days... i've been struggling with a part of my photography for a while now, and although i keep reading and keep learning, it just didnt 'fit,' until today. it was my day today and i finally GOT it.
i was so excited and felt like i could BREATH finally... oh how i am grateful for my dearest, bestest, most wonderful teacher wendy....
had some fun snappin' away with the little man today...
oh how i adore those eyelashes!
oh how i will miss those finger prints one day -- i know it will go so fast!!
then we headed out for a quick stop at the local small airport around here to visit with the planes just before dinner..
i don't know what jackson loved more.. the snow or the planes!
then we came home and had a wonderful dinner with our favorite neighbors in the whole world P and D! We're so lucky to have such good friends just a few steps away.. oh how we'll miss them being that close... but don't worry - they know how to get to our new house! :) thank GOODNESS!
oh and just for fun i changed up the blog header for something fun! isn't that face priceless!!
i could just pinch those cheeks all day long!!
hope you're having a great start to the weekend...
hugs and much love,
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
11:09 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
<3 A little bit of love on Valentine's Day <3
My two Valentines. my husband and my son - what more can you ask for!
Although I do think Valentine's day is just an excuse for Hallmark to make money - i DO believe in taking time everyday to remind the ones you love that they are important in your life. Things have been a bit crazy over the last few weeks so I decided although I think its cliche- i will share a few of my favorite things for my two favorite loves...
things i love about my boys:
my rick.
-the way he stops whatever he is doing when jackson brings him books or toys to play. nothing is more important then our family.
-the way he makes my coffee for me every morning just the way i like it - cream and sugar in FIRST before the hot coffee :)
-the way he tries to come to bed quietly if i'm already asleep so he doesn't wake me up (except for when he starts talking like i AM awake but i've really been sleeping for 2 hours already!!)
-the way he gives me the clicker even when his favorite show is on, just so we can hangout and watch tv together (which doesn't happen often!)
-the way he makes jackson laugh like nobody else.
-the importance he gives jackson and i in every aspect of his life.
-the way he hugs me and kisses my forehead after a long day (or sleepless night with a sick little boy!)
-the way he reminds me we are in God's hands and have a wonderful marriage that strengthens our Faith.
-the way he believes in me when I sometimes forget to believe in myself.
-the way he makes me feel safe and know I made the best decision of my life the day I married him, my best friend.
-the way we laugh together - like nobody else in the world - he makes me laugh every single day.
my jackson.
-the way he says 'mama?' when I open his door in the mornings when he wakes up - its like he hasn't seen me in years!
-the way he sprints across the room and does a dive into my arms when something cool happens!
-the way he says 'hooray' and claps for himself when he finishes all his puzzles or gets a basket with the basketball!
-the way he has to YELL out every color he see's - ESPECIALLY "Yedow" signs!
-the giggle he has when we play cars and crash them into each other on the floor!
-the way he uses all the sign language we've taught him to communicate things he can't quite say yet!
-the fall-down-silly-giggle he has when we play chase and then tickle monster!
-the way he chews on the tags of his lovey's and sings a little song every time!
-the way he snuggles into my shoulder when we say our prayers before bed.
-the way his messy little face is still cute enough to want to pinch!
-the way he pats my back when he hugs me everyday.
-the look in his eyes when he looks up at me and says 'love you.' ... it melts my heart.
So today on this love filled day - Rick and Jackson -- I love you both with all my heart. Thank you for giving me the two most important jobs in the world -- a wife and a mommy. I can't wait to see what our future holds... I am so grateful for both of you...
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:10 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Some Tough Chicks!
Roller Derby. Ever heard of it? Remember it? Neither was the case for me! Until a few months ago..
My bro, Freddie, was blessed enough to meet a sweet girl, Allie. We heard about her here and there and noticed a bit of a sparkle in his eye when he'd talk about her.... oooohhhhhh Freddie liked Allie!!!! It was about time he asked her out - and lucky for him, she agreed :) As he was getting to know her, of course as his nosey sister, I was after him for some details or at least some info! "She plays Roller Derby," he said. What the heck is that?! Had never heard of it - didnt know what it was or even how you played it! For someone that is the Dodgeball Champion, this was a perfect match for him!!!! She loved her Roller Derby - he loved his Dodgeball... perfection! He said we should come to a game sometime... so we did! Last night. :) We didn't get to meet Allie aka "Maura Buse" (hahaha) after her game since Jackson was ready to leave after the first period, but she was ROCKIN' out there!! Rick and I can't wait to go to another game - it was so fun! But we might just have to leave Jackson home next time.. Although he loved it - it was a bit late for him...
So "De-De" (as jackson calls Freddie) Nicely done. Tell us when you're coming over for dinner with "Allllllliiiiiiiieeeeeeeee"
love you-
ready to take on dad in a derby game!!
at first glance... checking out the arena while they were warming up:
Introducing... 'Maura Buse!!!'
'Maura Buse' in the blue.... in the intro as to how the game is played!!
Cheering with De-De!! -- Go, Go, Go!!
Jack was sad when the girls would take a spill -- anytime someone fell this was the face he made while shouting "OH NO!"
The girls in action!!
What a awesome boyfriend - sportin' the gear for his girl!!!
Love you guys -- now freakin get over here will ya!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:11 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Chocolate cake, Mom?
I definitely didn't have any chocolate cake, why do you ask?
but that little face just melts your heart -- I would have even given him the chocolate face for that look!!
isn't he just the cutest! our little buddy came over for playdate last week and his eyes are just too beautiful not to photograph!
just a few quick posts... more to come soon i hope... not enough hours in the day! :)
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:54 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
how do you say thanks to someone who changed your life?
Heavy title I know. But really. How do you say thanks to someone that has changed your life? and to make it even more complex its not even likes its a really close friend - its a stranger - well, a stranger that you feel like you're friends with but really you don’t really know that much about them! Confusing, I know.
When I first decided to get into photography as a business I came across a photographer, David Jay.He is a wedding photographer based out of California and I immediately fell in love with his passion. His photography is great, but his passion for what he does is amazing. Aside from being a great photographer David has really found it his calling to help OTHER photographers succeed. That's right - he wants to help other photographers. This industry sometimes has the stigma of being very cutthroat and very closed from each other. Perhaps the pendulum is swinging the other way towards working together, but we aren't quite there yet (on the East Coast anyways! West Coast is GREAT at this!) I joined David's photographer’s online forum and started reading a lot about him and what he was doing. I couldn't believe everything he was doing to help better so many strangers. As time went on, I invested a lot in his products as well as his philosophies. It was infectious - I wanted to help other people too! I answered any questions I could and shared anything I found with as many people that would listen!
I was blessed enough to spend today listening to David Jay speak again. I've seen him before and I am a member of his forums so I hear what he's up to often but there is just something powerful about listening to people you admire. Although I knew some of what he was talking about, it is like a little dose of confidence. I love that about him - he makes you believe...
So back to my title - how do you say thanks to someone who changed your life? Although it may sound a little dramatic it really isn't. David has opened himself up like a book for so many others to benefit from him and his learning/mistakes/gains; he has really changed my life. I know you're thinking 'How!' David is big on FREEDOM. Freeing up your life for ENJOYING your life. When I first started on this journey - I cannot tell you how many countless hours I spent trying to figure out what an efficient workflow would be.. THIS was supposed to be an industry that gave you a bit of flexibility? for WHO!? I was losing more time away from my family, more time away from my fast growing infant, less time sleeping, and just piling on more work!??! THAT was not what I signed up for! Hard work, yes. But EFFICIENT work was not where I was. David has given me a freedom I never knew existed. By sharing his way of working efficiently - it was as if the Angels sang!! When I first learned about it a few months back, I was floored. Although what he shares isn’t for everyone and I don’t adopt everything he does – but to be able to hear and understand his approach was life changing. I couldn't believe it but once I tried it for myself and saw all the time I got back in my life I was almost moved to tears. Again, sounds dramatic but really - I was. Why? Well, think about it - I had precious moments with my newborn son back, I had quality time with my husband, I could catch up with my best childhood girlfriends, I could devote the time and energy into learning tools and education to further my photography instead of being a slave to my computer! I could sleep again!!! Now, DON'T get me wrong - there is a LOT of hard work that goes into this industry AND my work. The difference now is I am using my precious time WISELY. I am not using energy where I don't need to and I'm not burning myself out… which I would have done very quickly had I stayed on the route I was on..
So, how do you thank someone that gives you a gift so big? - the best I have is my word....
David Jay, Thank you. Whether you ever see this or not I just wanted to say it. You have given me more then I could ever repay you for - The best I have to offer is my friendship. Thank you for opening your heart. Thank you for giving me my memories with those who I love. Thank you for giving me my life back. May you have many more blessings in 2008.
Forever grateful,
**David took a picture of his after the seminar today and when I went to post it I realized it was on HIS camera not mine! hahah Ooops! :)
****Edit... DJ sent the file over after all :) What a sweetheart! Thanks my friend!
Check out the rockin' Tom Brady jersey!! He knew what part of the country he was in :)
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:49 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Photographer Friends .. this ones for you...
Hey Photographer friends..
If you're looking for a rockin resource to pick up a few quick tips check out [B}eckers new place - The [B] School Blog. He is going to be launching The [B] School in March but in the mean time he has created one 'short' every day to give back to the community just about things he does... love this guy - hope to meet him one day and thank him for all the awesome advice he's share! I'll stop rambling and just let you check it out for yourself....
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:28 AM