Heavy title I know. But really. How do you say thanks to someone that has changed your life? and to make it even more complex its not even likes its a really close friend - its a stranger - well, a stranger that you feel like you're friends with but really you don’t really know that much about them! Confusing, I know.
When I first decided to get into photography as a business I came across a photographer, David Jay.He is a wedding photographer based out of California and I immediately fell in love with his passion. His photography is great, but his passion for what he does is amazing. Aside from being a great photographer David has really found it his calling to help OTHER photographers succeed. That's right - he wants to help other photographers. This industry sometimes has the stigma of being very cutthroat and very closed from each other. Perhaps the pendulum is swinging the other way towards working together, but we aren't quite there yet (on the East Coast anyways! West Coast is GREAT at this!) I joined David's photographer’s online forum and started reading a lot about him and what he was doing. I couldn't believe everything he was doing to help better so many strangers. As time went on, I invested a lot in his products as well as his philosophies. It was infectious - I wanted to help other people too! I answered any questions I could and shared anything I found with as many people that would listen!
I was blessed enough to spend today listening to David Jay speak again. I've seen him before and I am a member of his forums so I hear what he's up to often but there is just something powerful about listening to people you admire. Although I knew some of what he was talking about, it is like a little dose of confidence. I love that about him - he makes you believe...
So back to my title - how do you say thanks to someone who changed your life? Although it may sound a little dramatic it really isn't. David has opened himself up like a book for so many others to benefit from him and his learning/mistakes/gains; he has really changed my life. I know you're thinking 'How!' David is big on FREEDOM. Freeing up your life for ENJOYING your life. When I first started on this journey - I cannot tell you how many countless hours I spent trying to figure out what an efficient workflow would be.. THIS was supposed to be an industry that gave you a bit of flexibility? for WHO!? I was losing more time away from my family, more time away from my fast growing infant, less time sleeping, and just piling on more work!??! THAT was not what I signed up for! Hard work, yes. But EFFICIENT work was not where I was. David has given me a freedom I never knew existed. By sharing his way of working efficiently - it was as if the Angels sang!! When I first learned about it a few months back, I was floored. Although what he shares isn’t for everyone and I don’t adopt everything he does – but to be able to hear and understand his approach was life changing. I couldn't believe it but once I tried it for myself and saw all the time I got back in my life I was almost moved to tears. Again, sounds dramatic but really - I was. Why? Well, think about it - I had precious moments with my newborn son back, I had quality time with my husband, I could catch up with my best childhood girlfriends, I could devote the time and energy into learning tools and education to further my photography instead of being a slave to my computer! I could sleep again!!! Now, DON'T get me wrong - there is a LOT of hard work that goes into this industry AND my work. The difference now is I am using my precious time WISELY. I am not using energy where I don't need to and I'm not burning myself out… which I would have done very quickly had I stayed on the route I was on..
So, how do you thank someone that gives you a gift so big? - the best I have is my word....
David Jay, Thank you. Whether you ever see this or not I just wanted to say it. You have given me more then I could ever repay you for - The best I have to offer is my friendship. Thank you for opening your heart. Thank you for giving me my memories with those who I love. Thank you for giving me my life back. May you have many more blessings in 2008.
Forever grateful,
**David took a picture of his after the seminar today and when I went to post it I realized it was on HIS camera not mine! hahah Ooops! :)
****Edit... DJ sent the file over after all :) What a sweetheart! Thanks my friend!
Check out the rockin' Tom Brady jersey!! He knew what part of the country he was in :)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
how do you say thanks to someone who changed your life?
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
8:49 PM
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You are so sweet! Thank you for all your encouragement, support and friendship! I can't wait to see you the next time our paths cross!
Keri, I couldn't have said this better myself. You and I certainly think alike! I couldn't have written this as beautifully as you did, but I certainly feel the same way. Thanks so much for letting him know!
What an inspiring seminar yesterday!
DJ is so captivating and I love his philosophies about business and life!
We east-coasters need to strive to adopt the west-coast photographers mentality!
Thank you for being able to express so eloquently what many of us think and feel...
Keri, I couldn't agree more--he has given so much to all of us and I am so glad he saw your post. You've definitely given heartfelt praise where it was due! ~Airika
Cool post Keri! Check out your web stats now that David linked to you from his blog--they'll be out of control!! :)
So fun. DJ is the man.
Awesome post Keri! You so beautifully put into words what many in the "new age" of photography feel deep down. DJ and others like him are dramatically changing our industry and impacting more people's lives than they even realize.
Many blessings to you K!
great post keri! i only hope DJ comes MY way someday! :)
Very Cool, Keri. DJ's influenced so---o many people (including yours truly), most of whom he's probably never met. It's an amazing thing and a testament to his character.
Now... if he would just come to Dallas. [grin]
Hi Keri! See you in CT!
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