Friday, February 15, 2008

*ah-ha* moment

ever have one of those days where the stars align and you GET something?!

today was one of those days... i've been struggling with a part of my photography for a while now, and although i keep reading and keep learning, it just didnt 'fit,' until today. it was my day today and i finally GOT it.

i was so excited and felt like i could BREATH finally... oh how i am grateful for my dearest, bestest, most wonderful teacher wendy....

had some fun snappin' away with the little man today...
oh how i adore those eyelashes!

oh how i will miss those finger prints one day -- i know it will go so fast!!

then we headed out for a quick stop at the local small airport around here to visit with the planes just before dinner..
i don't know what jackson loved more.. the snow or the planes!

then we came home and had a wonderful dinner with our favorite neighbors in the whole world P and D! We're so lucky to have such good friends just a few steps away.. oh how we'll miss them being that close... but don't worry - they know how to get to our new house! :) thank GOODNESS!

oh and just for fun i changed up the blog header for something fun! isn't that face priceless!!

i could just pinch those cheeks all day long!!

hope you're having a great start to the weekend...

hugs and much love,


Debi said...

love your new banner and these photos are beautiful....
glad you had your aha moment :)

Andrea said...

I love ah-ha moments! The new banner looks great, and how cute is Jackson looking at those planes?!

STEVE DePINO said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
love that finger print shot!

Kathy P said...

love your new banner too! he's so cute, that jackson! glad to hear things fell into place! i love those "ah-ha" moments too!