Can you tell these girls love to be with each other! At least thats the feeling I got today when I got to play with them (and little C-man was so cold and wanted no part of pictures!) These girls were so adorable all dressed in their blue and white dresses ready for a picture perfect day (that we schedule two months ago!) but of COURSE today it decided to rain - yep, thats right, it decided to rain on the ONE day that we had our session booked for months. Now, it hasn't rained here in a long time - so long that there are brush fires popping up just about everywhere but I guess that sunshine had to end sometime. Well, who needs sunshine when you have these smiling faces. The kids (and parents!) were such troopers and hungout with me in the rain and all! Lucky for us the rain actually stopped for a bit and we could come out of the little shelter we found on a stage!
Thanks for sharing your morning with me guys! You guys were all so great - I can't wait to show you your images!
Check out C-man's little face!! Couldn't you just eat him up!! Mr. Serious!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cousins: Best of Friends
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
9:14 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Peek-a-boo... Did you miss this face?! :)
Jackson LOVES to hide in the cabinet -- he thinks its a riot when you say 'Where's Jackson? Has anyone seen Jackson?" then he pokes his head out and cracks up giggling for a few minutes! I love that little giggle....
As promised - the report on our night away!! Last week Rick surprised me with booking a room for us away for a night on our anniversary of when we (re)met 4 years ago... We stayed at The Wentworth by the Sea in New Hampshire. It was awesome! It was a big night since I've never left Jackson overnight so to be honest I was a little nervous! I knew he was with Mi-Mi so he was in good hands I was just praying he wasn't a nudge!!! Turns out the day/evening for Rick and I was perfect and Jackson had the time of his life at home. It was very strange to sleep without the humming of the monitor in my ear though! It was almost too quiet -- Two years with that thing in my ear every night!
At any rate - we walked into our room and what do I see -- two dozen stunning roses for ME! My husband really is the most thoughtful husband in the world. He made sure the flowers were in our room waiting for us (WHICH by the way was the admirals quarters and we had a unbelievable room overlooking everything! - the ocean, the golf course, the harbor.... it was awesome!) Did I mention we had HEATED bathroom floors - two bathrooms - BOTH had heated floors.... how cool right! (Can you tell I never stay in hotels! haha)
This was the view from our room...
Check out the amazing flowers he had waiting for me.. they smelled heavenly and looked unbelievable. I've never seen roses like that.....
short and sweet:
Aren't they amazing! They were so big!! Pink and purple... my favorite roses! I would buy roses every week if I could afford it - I just love the way the look in the house... and of course they smell so pretty too... anyyyyways!
He also had some chocolate covered strawberries waiting for us as well... well they were SUPPOSED to be waiting for us until room service knocked on the door 5 minutes after we got there.... But they were DELICIOUS none-the-less! I could have had just those for dinner!!
(maybe its the pregnancy (aka mommy brain) but I started eating these before I took the picture-- haha! oh well.. you get the point!)
We headed out to dinner in downtown Portsmouth, NH at a place called Poco's Bow Street Cantina Which was very yummy too - too cold to sit outside still but a beautiful view of Portsmouth Harbor.
Although we spent the day shopping for Jackson and telling one Jackson story after another.. and maaaaaybe text messaging my mom to check in a few times... we had a wonderful night away... I forgot how important it is to still take time for yourself and your marriage in the craziness of life and business... without taking care of yourself, how can you take care of everything else?!
Thank you babe - It was perfect and just what I needed! 2 years worth of waiting :)
Love you...
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
2:01 PM
I had the pleasure of hangin' with these two boys two weeks ago (but with the craziness I'm just getting to posting now!) As soon as I got there I got smothered in lots of hugs from my little buddy W-man... he is getting so big (and just 3 weeks behind Jackson) makes me feel like they are growing up WAY too fast!!!!
You might remember a few months ago Jake was only this big as a newborn:
But now he is growing up as quick as his big brother and is getting just as cute everyday!
They are just too cute-- Mom says this is the way J-man always looks at his big brother!!
Thanks for letting me come back to play guys - It was so much fun!!
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
12:24 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Can you take the cuteness?!
Oh My Gosh. This little man was a dream!! I wanted to tuck him in my camera bag and take him home - so happy - so chubby - so delicious! I have so many to proof but these three were just too cute not to share - Gosh I love my job! I get to meet awesome families and snap shots of the cutest little munchkins around! Would you ever believe this guy was a premie? I know, me either! Mom and Dad are definitely doing something right - Since J-man didn't get to take any newborn shots I know how much these 6 month shots mean to them...
I hope the are what you were hoping for! We'll be in touch - I can't wait to show you the rest!! Thanks for welcoming me into your home - I feel like I've known you guys for years! Looking forward to our playdates - Until then....... smooch that little face for me and enjoy!
(on a sidenote - I know I'm behind! Updates coming soon - Jen, I'm going to put your two adorable munchkins up here too -- I am also going to post about Jackson's trip to see the firetrucks and a super fun trip Rick and I were blessed enough to go on!!!... so stay tuned!)
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
5:22 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Check it out!
Jackson has a new shirt he's been sporting around... Check it out!
Oh - and this is the back....
Yep thats right... and in case you needed to see it a little closer just to be sure.....
We are very excited and have been super excited to share our news with all our family, friends and fellow bloggers!! I have been anxiously awaiting this post because I can now explain my lack of posts!! Between a bad case of morning sickness and complete exhaustion I didnt have it in me to keep up with the blogging... BUT i'm happy to say we're in week 13 now and the morning sickness has begun to subside (THANK GOD!) and I'm sleeping a bit better as well! I have lots to update on here now that our news is out - but we wanted to share our good news with all of you..
THANK YOU for being understanding fellow bloggers! I promise we'll be better about our updates :)
Hugs and love to you all...
Keri, Rick and Jackson
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
1:47 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
terrible no good very bad blogger!
my oh my i have been a bad blogger... i can't believe how long it has been since my last post... does that really say MARCH 17th?? wow... thats terrible!!!
I have lots of updates to come in the next week or so... I had a awesome session with the Riley boys last week - Jen I can't wait to show you the images - Thanks for being so patient!
We are also changing servers and a few programs so things are a bit slower then normal and we really appreciate your patience with placing orders etc. but hopefully it will be all set and running by the end of the weekend! you are always welcome to email me directly if you have an immediate question.
Lots of sessions coming up in the next few weeks as the nice weather is approaching -- so excited to get to know so many awesome families... If you're interested in booking a session this spring feel free to contact us asap as we book a few weeks out!
Here it is - out in the open so i HAVE to make good on my promise.. i WILL post updates AND images very very soon!!!
THANK YOU for being loyal blog readers -- I promise to try to be better... its just been a bit chaotic since we moved, made all these new business changes, website changes etc.... but the best part is it will all be done soon AND it will be ROCKIN!!!
hugs to all of you...xoxoxo
Posted by
Sweet Whispers Photography
10:16 AM